Shin'ar, My Love (SC) 2nd Edition


Softcover (2nd Edition)

War is coming to Shin’ar. Nuclear conflict seems certain – Lords Marduk and Enlil are at odds. Enlil’s temple at Nippar has been destroyed. His master computer at Babylon has been stolen. Lord Marduk has been charged with treason for mounting an army to attack/capture the Place of Chariots in the Sinai Peninsula.

As chaos threatens her land and people, Anunnaki princess Celi is tasked with rebuilding a small village near the Dead Sea. To succeed, she must work with the Beag, the people with blue eyes, from the north.

Celi and her crew of women were warned. They found a cave with five chambers in the mountains west of the Plain of Sikkar, NW of the Dead Sea. They hauled supplies and bedding to the cave. They found shelter just before the nuclear strike on Sodom. Celi is left to wonder about the man she may love, a shuttle pilot caught in the conflict – and possibly in the arms of another.

Based on a history most think myth, Shin’ar, My Love takes its inspiration from Zecharia Sitchin’s Wars of Gods and Men. We owe much to the Anunnaki. The least we can do is remember them.

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Softcover (2nd Edition)

War is coming to Shin’ar. Nuclear conflict seems certain – Lords Marduk and Enlil are at odds. Enlil’s temple at Nippar has been destroyed. His master computer at Babylon has been stolen. Lord Marduk has been charged with treason for mounting an army to attack/capture the Place of Chariots in the Sinai Peninsula.

As chaos threatens her land and people, Anunnaki princess Celi is tasked with rebuilding a small village near the Dead Sea. To succeed, she must work with the Beag, the people with blue eyes, from the north.

Celi and her crew of women were warned. They found a cave with five chambers in the mountains west of the Plain of Sikkar, NW of the Dead Sea. They hauled supplies and bedding to the cave. They found shelter just before the nuclear strike on Sodom. Celi is left to wonder about the man she may love, a shuttle pilot caught in the conflict – and possibly in the arms of another.

Based on a history most think myth, Shin’ar, My Love takes its inspiration from Zecharia Sitchin’s Wars of Gods and Men. We owe much to the Anunnaki. The least we can do is remember them.

Softcover (2nd Edition)

War is coming to Shin’ar. Nuclear conflict seems certain – Lords Marduk and Enlil are at odds. Enlil’s temple at Nippar has been destroyed. His master computer at Babylon has been stolen. Lord Marduk has been charged with treason for mounting an army to attack/capture the Place of Chariots in the Sinai Peninsula.

As chaos threatens her land and people, Anunnaki princess Celi is tasked with rebuilding a small village near the Dead Sea. To succeed, she must work with the Beag, the people with blue eyes, from the north.

Celi and her crew of women were warned. They found a cave with five chambers in the mountains west of the Plain of Sikkar, NW of the Dead Sea. They hauled supplies and bedding to the cave. They found shelter just before the nuclear strike on Sodom. Celi is left to wonder about the man she may love, a shuttle pilot caught in the conflict – and possibly in the arms of another.

Based on a history most think myth, Shin’ar, My Love takes its inspiration from Zecharia Sitchin’s Wars of Gods and Men. We owe much to the Anunnaki. The least we can do is remember them.

Details: Pub. 2016. Pages: 264. Plus 8 pages of Endnotes.  

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